The importance of trusting your body

In the last few weeks at the practice, this theme came on often and that’s why I thought it would be a great topic for this month.

So Manny people if not all of us at some level are on their way of their healing process, giving way to much importance to their mind, the ego instead of tapping in their body innate wisdom.

The body knows everything , the body never tells lies. And it is through our body that we can experience and enjoy all what life has to offer.

We don’t trust our bodies and in a lot of cases we treat it as our enemy . We talk to it badly, saying mean words, having hurtful thoughts and even try to manipulate it with unhealthy diets and exercise. We judge it, try to force away any pain it tries to show us and reject self love.

Our bodies have this innate wisdom , it never misses a heart beat, it breathes for you, digest for you. Unfortunately, due to different factors in our society , we have the tendency to disconnect from it and take it for granted. when we are sick and unwell we rely on exterior judgement and substances without asking our body first.

It is important to listen to our body , to treat it like a loving friend and to gain that trust back in order for us to truly heal.

Here are three ways to treat your body with care and to awaken your trust:

1. Listen to your body.

I mean really listen with your heart. If you are faced with making a choice, feel your body. Do you tense up? Or smile? Or feel at ease? So many times we fall into the unconscious trap and let my mind run the show of life.

When we have to make a decision in our lives, rather it is about your health, your relationships, your career …, your body always gives you the answers, guiding you. Practice being still, breathing, and taking note of what your body is trying to tell you.

2.  Replace the negative with the positive.  

This is the part where you develop trust. Many people (in fact, I bet every human on earth) think all sorts of not-so-nice things about their bodies, but there is a way to practice self love and care by actually switching gears.

For example, if you say to yourself, “I can’t put on that bathing suit; my butt is too big,” the first thing to do is say (out loud), “Stop!”

Acknowledge the feeling, but say a thank you and replace the self-criticism with something gentle, loving, without judgment. This takes a lot of time and practice, but slowly and surely your mind won’t take you to those dark places as often and you will start developing self love.

Talk to your body like you would to someone you love.

3.  Take action.  

Move your body , go for a walk, bike ,surf, try a new class. Any way you can get out in nature and move will help you experience how magical your body is. It breathes for you, pumps blood without you knowing, just to keep you alive.

Use your five senses to take in your life—to connect to your body. Smell the fresh air of the mornings, see the beautiful colours of the autumnal leaves, feel the touch of a loved one, taste all the flavour of your favourite pastry, listen to the sound of the birds. Get in tune with those senses.

Wake up to your life. Celebrate your body, its beauty, its strength, its power. Look at your body with compassion and gentleness. You are beautiful inside and out. Trust your body.

Treat your precious body with lots of care. Listen, connect, and trust.

“Your body is precious. It is our vehicle for awakening. Treat it with care.” Buddha