If you are pregnant and you're reading this, chances are you're close to or in your third trimester, you have pain somewhere in your pelvis, and you have no idea what's wrong and what to do about it. Many pregnant women experience a range of discomforts including:

  • Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction

  • Pelvic Girdle Pain

  • Coccyx Pain

  • Low Back Pain

  • Headaches

  • Morning Sickness and Nausea

  • Difficulty Sleeping

  • Restless Leg Syndrome

  • Heartburn

  • General aches and pains

Chiropractic adjustments for pregnant women is an essential part of having a healthy and comfortable pregnancy. Regular adjustments may be able help with all of the above in some form. 

 Women experience all sorts of sensations, physically and emotionally, when pregnant. Especially if this is your first time. Let’s face it, for most women, pregnancy can be anywhere from slight unease, to severe pain and discomfort. The experience of pregnancy comes with a whole range of feelings, and for the most part, you are supposed to have an easy, joyful, and positive experience throughout.

Pregnant women often question if chiropractic adjustments can help them. Is it safe? 

Yes, chiropractic care is very safe during pregnancy. Pregnant women feel much improvement and overall comfort during their pregnancy from regular adjustments. There are numerous changes that occur in the developing body of a pregnant woman. Many new hormones are present, more blood volume, the biochemistry and metabolism changes, dietary needs alter, the ligaments become very lax, as well as the growing foetus inside the uterus and adaption of her pelvis can all cause the woman to experience a challenging and uncomfortable pregnancy. Getting adjusted throughout the pregnancy (and even before conception) will allow the body to adapt and regulate much more efficiently, without struggle and effort, and will give both the mother and baby the best development possible. Also, because you are balancing out your spine and nervous system to allow optimal functioning, your baby will greatly benefit from the adjustments as well.


This is a superior view showing the uterus, its round ligaments connected to the pubic bone, and the utero-sacral ligament connected to the base of the spine.


Pregnant women can feel assured that their adjustments are gentle and comfortable, and also positively affecting their baby. There is no risk to her or her baby. I have a special pillow which allows your pregnant body, at any stage of development, to lay down on your tummy, face down, comfortably. The pillow has special cut-out holes to accommodate the pregnant woman's body. There is no pressure on the growing breasts, which can be very tender, and your expanding belly, at the same time allowing support and safety during the adjustment.