How Chiropractic Care Can Improve Your Sports Performance

Chiropractic care is a wellness practice used by countless sports athletes around the world. Players for a variety of sports experience major health benefits from seeing a chiropractor. From a player’s perspective, it can help your body stay healthy and maintain its strength. Sports players rely on their bodies to perform on an optimal level consistently over time. There’s no question that sports are physically demanding on a player. Is there a magic bullet to help each player stay at the top of their game? Not necessarily. However, there are health and wellness practices that athletes use to get better.

Here, we uncover several impactful ways that chiropractic care helps improve your sports performance.

  1. Balance & Coordination

Balance and coordination are vital to high-level sports performance. Many sports athletes don’t realize that their balance can be improved because it’s difficult to notice. It’s not uncommon for people to have a leg that is longer than the other. Imbalances in the hips, pelvic area, and shoulders are also more common than you’d think. Chiropractic care helps correct imbalances in the body through adjustments and stretching. If your balance is off, it can alter your swing, kick, or shot by centimeters. Unfortunately, this can be the difference in you scoring or making the shot.

Regardless of how ‘technical’ your sport appears, you typically need some amount of coordination to perform certain movements with your body. Most Olympic sports require extreme coordination to perform on the highest level. By seeing a chiropractor, you can enhance your coordination and sports performance. Chiropractors treat the entire body as a whole. If there is pain or discomfort, chiropractors help sports athletes heal by identifying the root cause of the pain and treating it.

  1. Increased Flexibility

Have you ever had to play a game feeling stiff? It’s incredibly limiting. Chiropractic care helps sports players increase the flexibility of their muscles and joints, enabling them to perform on a high level. Chiropractic adjustments increase the blood flow throughout areas of your body. This promotes healthy muscle recovery and helps the joints become more flexible. Sports athletes visit a chiropractor to help them become more flexible, which help them to stay at the top of their game.

If something is out of alignment, there’s a chance that this area is under stress and stiff. Chiropractic adjustments are the perfect solution for this! You can recover from games more efficiently and keep your body performing well. What would being more flexible do to your sports performance? Most athletes would say that it helps!

  1. Decreased Risk of Future Sports Injury

Sports injuries are the demise of many athletes. A bad injury can completely alter the course of your sports career. Recovery and injury prevention are become more prioritized in the world of sports, and for good reason! When parts of the body are out of alignment, there is a greater chance that injuries can occur. Avoid that from happening and keep your body dialed in! Chiropractic care is non-invasive and natural. It helps athletes maintain proper posture and avoid future injuries. Does your body ever feel ‘off’ after a long game? Try seeing a sports chiropractor. They can help your body maintain its strength. Give yourself the best chance at performing at a high level when playing the sport that you love.

Chiropractors for Sports Athletes Are Game Changers

What separates a good athlete from a great one? Well, there’s a lot that goes into it. Training, maintaining, recovery, and prevention are all huge factors when it comes to competitive sports play. Chiropractic care helps athletes increase their flexibility in preparation for big games. Your balance and coordination can improve, which contributes to your performance. Athletes also avoid future injuries by receiving consistent chiropractic care. Invest in your health and your sports career by seeing a chiropractor.

Yours in Health,

Deborah DC

This post is in collaboration with Twin Waves Wellness Center

Tips to reduce your anxiety

More and more people suffer from anxiety and living with it is definitely not something easy.

Anxiety control is a long term process and even if there is no magical cure, a few tips can be integrated in our lifestyle to help to reduce the anxiety and live a more peaceful and happy life.

1.First of all the diet.

A diet rich in processed food, exciting like coffee, alcohol  is definitely related to increase anxiety.

In general but especially if you are subject to anxiety it is very important to adopt a healthy diet on a daily basis.

Eat a lot of leafy greens like kale, spinach, watercress. Foods rich in magnesium like dark chocolate, legumes like lentils, chickpeas… are the go to fight anxiety.

Reduce your sugar intake. Sugar creates a reactive hyperglycaemia in your body followed by a decreasing pic creating physiological reactions in your body: Stress. Your adrenals are secreting cortisol, the stress hormone which will make your anxiety worse. That is why it is very important to keep your blood sugar level constant and avoid hypo and hyperglycaemia phases…How do you do that? First by avoiding processed food rich in sugar with a high glycemic index like cakes, sweets, preparation with white flour in general. And privilege food with a low glycemic index with is not gonna create hyperglycaemia in your system: like vegetables, fruits (but it is better to associate them with some good fats like nuts, avocado when eaten as a snack), brown rice…

2. Respect yourself.

Are you the kind of person that would say yes even if they feel like saying no? Are you a people pleaser? Always putting the others needs before yours, always helping people but not even able to help yourself. You have to fill your own cup first because the greatest relationship you can have is with yourself first.

Do the things you want to do, take time for yourself, follow your dreams, live the life you came here to live.

3. Stop being a perfectionist .

Does everything have to be perfect around you? That is the best way to feel anxious. Life is not perfect so don’t try so hard to make it or you will suffer each time you don’t reach your high expectations. Accept that you are human. “You are allowed to be both the masterpiece and the work in progress , simultaneously ”.

4. Live in the present moment.

Be in the moment. Breathe. The past is in the past and the future is not here yet. so there is no need to overthink of what could have been in the past and what should be in the future. Of course it is great to have plans and dreams but feeling overwhelmed because you didn’t reach them yet, comparing yourself with other people’s life and driving you crazy with hundreds of tasks at the same time won’t help you to feel calm.

Meditation can be a good way to learn how to live in the moment. Even if it is just 5-10 minutes every day. There are plenty of ways to meditate, it doesn’t always mean that you just have to seat and do nothing. Going for a walk and practice mindfulness is great way to be focus in the now. Even practicing a sport, painting, playing or listening to music can be a way of meditating. In my opinion any activities where you are really focus on what you are doing are a kind of meditation, it is called mindfulness and it is all about being present.

Share with us your tips to deal with anxiety.

Deborah D.C